Monday, November 10, 2014

Texting without cell service!

"I must be at the end of the earth" she exclaimed as her held her cell phone high in the air trying to get service.

Yes, we have heard it more than once at our place....

Land-lines are the only option of telecommunication.

As of last week, J and I have been "courting" for 3 years! The last year and a half of which has been long distance.

Long distance meaning half way across the continental United States. 

Since I do not have cell reception, we were not going to have the convenience of texting. So we thought....

Did you know that

is possible!?!?!?!

We discovered this AMAZING trick  in the early days of our long distance relationship!

This is how it is done if you want to text a Verizon phone via e-mail.

Compose a new e-mail, simply type in the cell phone number you wish to text in the contact box. Include area code (no 1 at the beginning) and all 7 numbers without spaces or dashes and add 

Type your message (don't type in the "subject" line) and hit send! It's as simple as that! 

You can even insert a picture! 

To do this you just change the ending to This sends your e-mail as the multimedia message text. 

Make sure you insert the picture (not attach) and you will have to compress the picture you wish to send to e-mail or web page size. You can do this easily on Microsoft Office Picture Manager. 

A cell phone can text an e-mail but typing in the e-mail address instead of phone number!

J has unlimited texting and I have unlimited internet so this has been a huge blessing over the past year and a half! 

Though J is wonderful about calling regularly it is so nice to be able to shoot him short notes throughout the day!

A long distance relationship has its challenges....

However, my Grandma has sweetly reminded me that we have it so much better than her generation did!

Just think!

Our grandparents had no E-mail, Facetime, Skype, or cell phones for chatting or texting. If they were able to communicate over a telephone at all it was a once or twice thing. Even regular "snail mail" took much longer to arrive in their day.

But, our generation has also lost something thanks to these modern conveniences.


My grandparents have boxes of hand written letters from their time apart!

Not many couple can say that today.

When J and I entered this stage of our relationship, we realized that greater measures had to be taken if we were going to preserve memories of this time.

So, laugh if you wish, I have recorded all of our texting/e-mails into word documents, complete with dates, circumstances, pictures, and times when he called to chat on the phone.

We call it our "Electronic Correspondence"

I print it when I can and we have our own stash of memories!

This chapter of our life is coming to a close in 40 days! There have been hard days and good days, but God has been so good to us through it all!

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