Saturday, June 11, 2016

Savoring the Past Month with Jael #7

BIG stuff going on here!!

I got my own room AND my first tooth this month!!!!

It's been a pretty eventful month!

First off...I learned how to wave! I wave at people, I wave at myself and I even wave at the toys that I drop on the floor!

Daddy has been working more and more with his own construction business this past month so that means that mommy and I get to go along! Mommy helps when I don't need her undivided attention and I'm just there to be cute!

I am working on my army-crawling skills. It's a bit tough to crawl on smooth surfaces (which is all we have in our little house)'s easier to go backwards than forwards, but I'm getting there!

Food wise its been a good past few weeks! Oatmeal is a daily favorite and some days I can pack it away! I eat a whole banana everyday and usually have avocado or sweet potato for my vegetable. Mom has let me taste yogurt but says it's not time to start eating a lot of it yet. I can't wait!

My "Aunty" Sarah came to stay with us for almost a week! I like her! We had a lot of fun together and she was the first one I said "Hi" to! I mimic voice intonations for "bye bye" and "YAY" too!

So back to my own room...I have a new bed which I like a lot but sleeping alone is different. At first I was not too excited about the new arrangement. But I am getting better about it!

Getting a tooth was a bit painful and still is but mommy and daddy are excited about it so I get excited too! It sure does give my tongue something to play with if nothing else!

I am getting taller and heavier all the time but I am still staying as cute as can be, as you can tell from my picture!

I'm excited about this next month! I hope you are too!

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