Monday, April 25, 2016

Tiny Life Tales - A Tour

Little by little our tiny trailer is getting organized and feeling more and more like home.

There is still a lot to do but we are enjoying life to the fullest!

Here is the tour of the inside of our trailer that I promised!

My Kitchen!! This is what you see when you step in the front door!

Directly to the right of the last picture is a door that opens into our bedroom! It is super nice to have a separate room apart from the rest of the house! 

Jael is in the bassinet for now but will be moving into her own room soon! 

Another angle of our room. 

To the left of the kitchen is our living room! Can you tell we have a baby girl in the house? :D The couch folds down into a bed if we ever need it. 

THERE IS BABY!!!!! Ok...across from the couch is the dining room! Under the seats is storage which is really nice for the items that I do not use on a regular basis. 

This glass Root-Beer bottle is for answered prayers...something we just started is to put a corn kernel in the Root-Beer bottle when a specific prayer has been answered in an evident way! When the bottle is full we will make pop-corn! 

Back to the other side of the trailer! To the left of the couch is the bathroom sink and the door that opens up into the bathroom! It is nice to have the sink outside the door! the far back corner (next to the bathroom) is a little back room. J build the shelf just recently and eventually Jael's crib will be in this room! 


The layout is very practical! I really like having our own room, that the kitchen is in the front corner rather than down the side where people stand, and that there is a place for Jael to have her own little space! 

Next week I will share how I do laundry in this tiny space!

Living the Tiny Life and Enjoying It! 

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