Thursday, July 5, 2018

Elia Ten-Eleven Months

Hey! It's me! The girl who used to have dark is VERY blonde!

Time is a whirlwind around here and I'm finally getting on to update you all on my growth! With every kid added to the family the phrase "Better Late Than Never" is REAL!

Anywho, let's see...what have I been doing new?


I started walking 2 days before I turned 10 months old! I still crawl if I want to get someplace FAST but walking is coming along swell.

I have  6 teeth and FOUR more right under the skin, ready to pop out any day! That being's been a rough few weeks around here. Boy, life is rough when your mouth hurts! Don't want to eat cause it hurts, don't want to suck my binky cause it hurts, which in turn makes it hard to sleep which makes life even rougher *sigh* Not to mention the runny nose that came with it. BUT, we are doing ok and hanging in there! Teeth are pretty nice to have so I guess it's worth it.

Sister and I have been playing together a lot more the past week or two. She is pretty cool! And when she is good with me being in her space we can have a pretty grand time! She usually climbs in my crib after nap time and we play in there for a while! It gives Mom a little breather too, so WIN WIN! Also, sister and I talk a LOT at night after we climb into our beds. Mom says is makes her and Daddy smile to hear us chatting.

I say a lot of words, repeating after mom and dad mostly. Mom and Daddy's favorite this week was "Oh Cheese"...they laughed and laughed!

We have been swimming a lot the past two months. I LOVE the water! We have also been going on a lot of walks to parks! We got a new (to us) double stroller so sister and I can both ride together, side by side!

Over all, I am pretty chill and quiet when we are out and about but at home I can be loud and crazy and smiley and get into EVERYTHING! Tehehe!

Our big adventure coming up is a plane trip out West! We will see how that goes down in the books. I'll let ya know next month after my BIRTHDAY!


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